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The Alchemy of Treasure Mapping Inner-Work Book: Conscious Creativity through Conscious Action

Searching to manifest a vision or goal for yourself or a group? Desiring to understand your personal truths, find your hidden potentials and connect with your soul Self?

This workbook and kit provide all the tools you need to create a heart-centered, soul-expansive treasure mapping experience that deepens into the truth of ALL we are. This is more than personal enrichment work and basic goal setting if you choose for it to be. It offers you the ability to grasp, garner, and glimpse into the realization of All That IS through the Truth of Being, spiritually embodied in a sacred temple, physically formed.

Treasure mapping is not just a means to the end. It is the journey and the destination. It is in the ‘becoming’ we come ‘to be’. Awakening to our Divine Nature is a journey of spiritual unfoldment based on divine right time and order.

The workbook can be used on its own, but Lee Ann will also be offering in-person and online training to accompany and enhance your learning.